[Z-13] Subject Entries. - Arkanic_Devotion (2024)

Z-13 : Personnal Entries.

Subject Z-13, Sebastian Solace has been tasked of writing entry logs of his state on a daily basis.

Procedure had it that originally we were going to hand the subject a diary, but upon realisation that from the possible mutating, he may not be able to hold a pen for very long, and for simplicity, was given a computer with a few simple games and the possiblity to write these entries.


[Beginning of entry 1]

February 2 ; 2015.

I was given this computer... I am supposed to write what happens to me here daily, apparently. I don't really know, nothing happenned so far. I'm alone in a room with soft ground and walls, a cielling higher than the sky, some blankets and cushions (thought neither have covers).. the weird part is a big pond, and I tried looking in it (I fell by the way) and holly it's deep.

Nothing weird to signal, oh and the games are good, is better than rolling around the room like we do in winter down the hills.

[End of entry 1]


Z-13 hasn't been injected any DNA yet. He is behaving calm, and pretty accepting, though confusion is very present. The games keep him distracted pretty well.

Nothing important regarding the tests.


[Beginning of entry 2]

February 3 ; 2015

I got injected with something? When I asked what was in the needle nobody wanted to answer me, so I guess it's confidential. They were very clear that I NEED to write these entries every days now... this is getting weird.

Felt a bit dizzy after the injection, but I always did after getting a needle in me, so it's probably just me and not their weird shit.

[End of entry 2]


Z-13 was injected with Female Anglerfish DNA today, more DNAs to come later on.

Reported dizzyness, but subject seems to have been dizzy every other times needles have been in his body. Currently, nothing important regarding tests.


[Beginning of entry 3]

February 4 ; 2015

I don't know why I bother writing the year? I was asked to.. and it's worrysome, or not, maybe it's to keep track of stuff, or it's because I'm gonna stay here for ages!

My inner knees, elbows and armpits are itching a bit. It may probably just be me going nuts, but I think some of my body hairs started to fall off.

[End of entry 3]


Z-13 is starting to be itchy in the armpits and inner elbows and knees. He noticed loss of body hair, further observations must be done.


[Beginning of entry 4]

February 5; 2015

From all the way up to my waist and to the tip of my toes has been quite sore when I woke up this morning. (Oh yeah I write right before going to sleep).

Later today I had fell on my ass and it was painfull as fuck! Falling on soft textures should NOT hurt that bad. And the doctors checked and I'm not going mad, my body hair is falling off. Otherwise I'm doing well.. so far.

[End of entry 4]


Z-13 presents the actual beginning of symptoms of possible side effects from the DNA of the Anglerfish. Sore legs, and increased sensibility to pain in the areas. After observations, his loss of body hair was confirmed.


[Beginning of entry 5]

February 6; 2015

They injected more stuff this morning. And by the evenning my legs and sides started to itch pretty badly. I also feel like a teen in puberty again. I feel like hormones are swelling in me again, I hate that feeling. It sucks. I also carve food more often, sometimes.

And I completely lost all body hairs, except my hair, strangely only this one remains.

[End of entry 5]


Z-13 was injected with new DNAs, these of a ███████, blue whale and great white shark.

The subject presents itchness on his legs and sides, as well as the skin reddening, probably a rash or a thing similar to such. The DNAs seems to have caused hormonal issues in the subject. Due to the recent update about the subjects carvings, he is fed more.


[Beginning of entry 6]

February 7 ; 2015

I threw up twice and I almost pissed myself. I didn't feel either coming. I feel like I was shot in the head and like my skeleton is dislocating or something.

[End of entry 6]


Z-13 did not mention this in the entry, but several more DNAs were injected. These from a Silver Spinyfin, Mantis Shrimp and Sea snake.

Subject seems to not be able to feel his organism as well as humans normally can, as he stated having not felt the vomit rising his throat, or the urine filling up his bladder. A terrible headache has been reported as our doctors notice a growing bump on the upper part of his forehead, almost in the hair.

To numb the pain he was given some anesthesia, which is all we can do to avoid giving him medicines that can counter part our goal.


[Beginning of entry 7]

February 8 ; 2015

someone fucking kill me the anethesia dont do anything to numb my pain and i threw up several times again blood and did piss myself twice it hurts like crazy and i feel so out of controoooooooooooll

everything is
blurryhelp me

[End of entry 7]


Z-13 doesn't control their body anymore, and doesn't even seem to care about trying either. Their fluids mix with blood, for some reasons, that are still unknow. According to his entries, his entire body hurts, and his vision is blurry.

The itchness mentionned in previous entries did not stop, despite his lack of mention of it.


[Beginning of entry 8]

February 9 ; 2015

I wanna stop writing the fucking year it's annoying

Going back to the main context, they gave me the most violent and big dose of anesthesia I ever saw in my whole existence... I feel numb and can't even stand up without falling flat on face. It's a miracle my fingers still function enough for me to write. The itchiness stopped, and even without anesthesia I feel numb where it used to be.

I tried to take off the clothes I was given and saw some parts of my skin was blue? I swear I even saw scales!

[End of entry 8]


Z-13's itchiness has left to leave place to numbness. Upon checking on himself, and then us giving a look, the subject's legs started turning greyish-blue aswell as growing scales.

Control over his body seems to have not been regained, but can now atleast feel it arriving, clear signs of going better than earlier.


[Beginning of entry 9]

February 10 ; 2015

i want fish

No seriously it's getting awful I just do not eat anything they give me that isn't seafood.. Weird because at first I was grumpy about being given seafood.. now I only want that?

My body is still numb and I finally regained some control over my organism, thought apparently in my sleep my body throws that out the windows (even if there's no windows here).. The scientists hate having to give me new blankets every days but what can I even do about it? It's not my fault I piss my pants almost every nights! It's theirs! They're the ones who injected me with I don't know what.

I stink too, I want a shower.

[End of entry 9]


Z-13 regained control over his body after 2-3 days, but during his sleep the control disappears pretty badly. The subject reported carving something he first rejected, seafood.

Despite our team and the subject asking to let him shower as his scent is getting really bad, we cannot afford anything messing up our progress. Thought a shower would be much needed.


[Beginning of entry 10]

Feb 11

I'm not sure if deodorant is going to hide the constant scent of piss on me but sure I guess.

Nothing new today, played the games because I was bored. Still numb, thought yeah, it's indeed scales growing on my legs and more skin started becoming blue.

Oh and yes I stopped writing the full name of the month and the year, it was getting annoying to do that every days.

[End of entry 10]


Z-13 was given deodorant to cover the stench. Everyone hope it will help, thought we doubt it will.

Nothing new reported regarding our goal.


[Beginning of entry 11]

Feb 12

My neck is red as hell and some sort of clean cuts appeared, they don't bleed but the flesh is visible. Nothing else.

[End of entry 11]


Z-13's neck has shown the appearance of clean cuts, maybe finally the awaited result? The gills? Though this is speculation, it is great to know it could have happenned.


[Beginning of entry 12]

Feb 13

Hell the cuts on my neck started to bleed, I was bandaged up and all the shit with it, then I noticed I grew up.. but like in one night I took 10 centimeters? It was crazy.

Oh also I finally noticed why I felt like I got shot in the head earlier.. there's a massive bump on my head. When I look at the reflection of the water, a very disturbing sight unfolds to me: the bump or whateve,r started to elongate and now I have a sort of.. string of blue skin hanging from it. I kinda wanna pull on it, but I won't, because fuck getting more hurt.

I again started to loose control over my organism. I felt pretty different today.

First I was very.. warm? Like I felt very warm and even could swear I was growing hard in my pants? It didn't last long because after a few minutes I blacked out. I don't know what's happenning to me to react like that since I was thinking about fish (I think of that a lot now, for some reasons).. Am I getting horny over fish? I don't know anymore.

I also sometimes had difficulties to breath? Like sometimes I just went (the mmhm is inhale and eeeh exhale by the way) mmmmmh- STOP -can't breath- eeeeh... I'm so bad at explaining but you get it. It wasn't hitching breath it was litterally like mid inhale I couldn't either inhale nor exhale anymore.

[End of entry 12]


Z-13's neck wounds started bleeding, and a noticeable increase in his size was noticed. After checking several times, we realised he was growing from the start, but it was so little that it wasn't noticeable, thought today's increase was pretty obvious due to the size gained.

The bump on the subject's forehead is also developping skin like a string, not stated by Z-13 but a sort of tiny buld of some sort if forming at the end of it. Organism's control was again lost thought some more interesting notices were done.

The subject described a strange warmth, and the start of a erection without any apparent reasons. And our team agrees with him, it is more likely that it wasn't the fish he was thinking about that caused his body to react like that. Further researchs must be done about that event. Respiratory issues noticed, and connecting the dots with the wounds on his neck is almost an confirmation that his body is developping gills.

Goal currently is succesfull on the outside, thought the secondary effects are major.


[Beginning of entry 13]

Feb 14

I woke up and I couldn't open my legs as wide as I wanted to and my dick fucking disapeared. I'm not even joking. I woke up and noticed around my crotch and a bit lower that skin had grown and my dick had completely disappeared in it... That feels very weird to write but I don't want to get bonked so here I am.

During lunch time I felt my upper legs hurt but hurt so bad, like if my skeleton was moving on it's own accord? Luckily I was given some anesthesia.. fell flat on my face tho.

This evening I feel a lot of energy, I don't know if after finished the entry I'll be able to sleep. Despite my upper legs being stuck together, and just want to bounce around.. and swim (which I was strictly prohibited to do for the moment), but I can't the pond is closed.

Oh yeah, I stopped worrying about everything, I knew it'll happen eventually, but it's still so weird. I accepted my fate, even if I really don't like it.

[End of entry 13]


Z-13 presents more physical deformities developing such as his legs merging together. Wasn't mentionned in the entry, but the scales are almost all over his legs and more of his skin is becoming blue. Disappearance of genital could maybe mean that there will be changes around it. Severe pain compared to the skeleton moving were reported too as well as spikes of energy coming out of nowhere.


[Beginning of entry 14]

Feb 15

So... I woke up in awful pain (apparently) screaming in agony. I remember the screaming and immediate general anesthesia that knocked me out, but not the pain. Weird. It's roughly midnight when I write this so here are the changes in my body that I noticed.

First no pain and still pretty numb, probably from the anesthesia.

Second of, when I was changing because my clothes were reeking sweat (their deodorante surprisingly did cover the stench of piss and other stuff I don't even want to name) I noticed my whole skin was blue, even face. The scales stopped growing, there are scales only on the "tail" and a bit on the cheeks.

Third of... I'm huge. Like I didn't mention it but I grew MASSIVE, from the first entry in which I mentionned my increased size (I forgot which one since I can't see my previous entries) I was at around, what, 190 cm? I'M AT ALMOST 260 FUCKING CM NOW WHAT THE ACTUALLY SHIT.

Fourth or whatever. After loosing my dick.. it's my nipples who disappeared this time. I don't know what that's about.

Lastly or maybe not idk (I'm too lazy to change stuff in the sentences so shush) the whole upper part of my legs merged.. it starts to look like a sort of beginning of mermaid tail.. I don't have ass cheeks anymore too by the way. Juicy siren ass or whatever, I don't know anymore what I'm doing I'm just saying anything that comes to mind. At this point if I say I sneezed 10% louder than usual these doctors will panic.

Oh and I noticed on my start of a tail, because I'm now calling it like that, 2 little holes, probably a urethra and anus or something. Though they're barely visible.... Don't ask why I looked mkay?

[End of entry 14]


Z-13 woke up in pain, and we did not mention it to the subject, but the bones of his legs started to merge as well as his diggestive and urinary system modified. His reproductive system seems to do the same, but slower. Subject's whole body became blue, and his legs covered in greyish scales. Z-13 did not mention it in his writings, but his toes also merged in one.

His major size gain was also well noted since the last few days. It's been interesting, how despite the fact he naturally was around the size of the owners of the DNA injected in him, they still made him gain size. Subject also reports the disapperance of nipples and the complete desapperance of the upper part of his legs who merged into one on the outside.

Our scanners show that the merging is also internal, as stated before.


[Beginning of entry 15]

Feb 16

It's weird, I feel like talking to the reader.. So I probably will adress to anyone reading this as "you".

You remember my entry where I mentionned beginning to erect for no apparent reasons right? Well it happenned again today.. A bit differently (a bit is VERY small).

So let me explain what happenned because it's the only interesting (according to the doctors) thing that happenned today.

I was studying the urethra and anus that grew in my tail, and I was.. touching around them and I did a sort of move with the part between them like if I was trying to separate two pieces of skin and uh... It actually opened. So yeah, I have a sort of slit where my dick rests now. Upon further observations from me, I noticed it more looked like a tentacle with a hole at the end than a penis but heh. I also noticed a hole under it in the slit? Did I grow a vag too? That would be kinda rad to have both a cunt and a cock ngl. [DELETED]

Oh yeah, No pain to report. It's like if my body's modifications just.. disappeared.

[End of entry 15]


Z-13 claims to have found a slit in which he can retract his genital and to have grown a hole in same slit. Thought he got aggressive and refused for us to check, which doesn't allow us to verify, but upon reviews of the camera, he did look where he says, fascinated by a "hole" he opened at that location. The lack of pain is strange, and quite worrysome.

Noted by us, we haven't taken off the bandages around his neck yet.


[Beginning of entry 16]



[End of entry 16]


Date: February 17 ; 2015.

Z-13's neck bandages were removed, revealing gills, upon that, we let him swim in the pond, and it proved to be working. Our tests are a sucess, though it seems like the side effects are still growing, we need to study them, thought our main objective has been reached.


[Beginning of entry 17]

Completition of the 15th entry as apparently a part of it wasn't saved, or was deleted or something. After checking for the hole and stuff, it didn't show on the cameras but the dick reacted a bit weirdly, and whatever I tried to do it would just not go back in the slit, and it was hard as fuck. I just waited for it to go soft, I was NOT masturbating there, hell no.

Feb 18

I was asked to describe how I felt when I first started to breath under water.

I first went under the water, like told, at first, I tried to.. breath the water with my lungs, I wanted to try and drown to end this hell, but my body didn't make the water go in by my mouth but in my gills in some way? I was breathing using gills out of pure instinct, and I can't really describe anything.

I think what they injected in me at first were fish DNAs to give me gills, probably.

Now to talk about my modifications.

The slit mentionned in entry 15 was itching and a bit achy. But I wasn't really worried as everything itches at some point, so I just thought it was normal and didn't mind any of it. But in the evenning I checked and saw that I had a second dick growing. I'm going mental, this is all just me going mad and nothing else. It's just me and my loneliness making me see things, surely.

Help me please I want to get out. I need air, I need mom... I need someone I know. Please.

[End of entry 17]


Z-13's breathing with the gills was automatic, like if his body had been scripted biologically to do that, we do not understand how this happpenned, neither does he.

Subject showed to also be growing a second penis, probably from the shark DNA, as shark commonly have two. Upon checking, as this time he let us, he indeed also grew a vagina under the two penis. We did not except the female anglerfish DNA to cause the subject to become intersex. How something like that happenned is a mistery.


[Beginning of entry 18]

I hate this.

[End of entry 18]




[Beginning of entry 19]


[End of entry 19]


Z-13 is growing very aggresive and attempted to kill these supposed to feed him. Luckily he failed. He seems to be in a feral state.


[Beginning of entry 20]


[End of entry 20]


Z-13 was put in a temporary coma to calm down. Coma started on February 21.


[Beginning of entry 21.]

March 1 ; 2015

I don't know anything. My lower body became a tail alike to a whale's, my side is hurting like crazy, I have the worse headache, my whole

[End of entry 21]


Z-13 passed out during the writing of this.


[Beginning of entry 22]

I won't write anything anymore.

[End of entry 22]


Z-13 refuses to give us any clear details of his mutation. So we do we what we have.

The subject developped a full anglerfish lure on his forehead, his ears turned into sorts of fin, and a third arm grew under a pre-existing one.


[Beginning of entry 23]


[End of entry 23]


Z-13's eyes became entirely a soft blue color.


[Beginning of entry 24]


[End of entry 24]


Z-13 now refuses to write anything.


[Beginning of entry 25]

March 30 of 2015.

Urbanshade. Authors of my misery.

I'll kill you all. I'll tear all of them to shreds! I'll pull their organs out and crush them with my bare hands one by one.

Their bloods and brains will splatter everywhere. I'll paint them bloody smiles like these they had on during my mutation...


Last entry before Hadal Blacksite's Lockdown.



[Beginning of entry 26]


Hello Urbanshade.

Z-13 here. Or the Saboteur! Your favorite little toy!

I'm going to bring your actions to an end, Mr. Shade. I will not stop until my very last breath.

I do not care how many of your employees must die for me to suceed, and I will not stop taking their lives... but be assured you will fall.

I will make your society fall deeper than the Marianna Trench... You'll fall and you'll live our pain! I promise that hell will be on you.. When I get out of the Hadal Blacksite I'll torture you. And I'll bring your society down.

You can be assured I will not give up easily.

Kindly, Sebastian Solace, Z-13 or The Saboteur. May 3 of 2025.

[End of entry 26]

[Z-13] Subject Entries. - Arkanic_Devotion (2024)
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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.