The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

er 8 23 CLEVEDAND PLAIN' DEALER, 30: J.889, THE NEW PASTOR. Dr. Scoville May Succeed Wilton M. Smith. The Choice in Haydn's HandsThe Noakes Party Hire at Hall and Will Form a New Church Two New Congregations Decide toTravel Alone.

1 Rev. Wilton Merle Smith may leave the First Presbyterian church in March and some of the trustees aud others interested are already thinking of his probable successor. The matter of choosing 2. successor to Dr. Smith has been left entirely in the bands of the Rev.

H. C. llaydu and from the fact that be did not show much disturbance of mind at the announcement of Dr. Smith's tion it is supposed by many that Dr. Haydn had anticipated it.

Dr. Haydn was the discoverer of the Rev. Rollo Ogden and of Dr. Smith, so the people of the First church place all depeudence on him he will make a choice. It is, however, being whispered about that Dr.

Smith was offered $4,000, an advauce of $1,000 per year in case he decided to remain; but he did not accept the increase. Some of trustees and others have expressed a secret desire to see Dr. Scoville, pulpit to be vacated by Dr. Smith. in Dr.

president of the Wooster university, the Scoville is an eloquent preacher aud about years younger than Dr. Hayde. Many of the members would rather see a younger man Dr. Scoville and it is probable that a young man will be chosen. THE EMANUEL from SECEDERS.

Episcopal The seceders church, who have left that body owing to the resignation of -Dr. Noakes, have begun negotiations for the use of the Grand Army halt in the rear of Doan's armory for religious services. The contract will probably be signed this week and Dr. Noakes will be asked to take charge of the new congregation. A church building wilt be erected as as the congregation feels strong enough to bear the expense.

TWO GROWING CONGREGATIONS. Mectings will be held this evening at the two missions of the Euclid avenue Congregational church, one of which is located on Crawford and the other on lough avenue, form independent churches at each. The mission congregations now feel strong enough to support themselves. THE STREET RAILROAD WAR. Another Engagement Postponed -Fire Alarinists Out -City Hall News, The corridors of the city ball began to fill with street railway magnates, attorneys and the "'down trodden" people yesterday afternoon.

n. The board of -improvements was scheduled to meet at 4 p. to listen to petitions in favor and remonstrances against allowing the East Cleveland street railway cowpany to construct a cross town road along Willson avenue from Quincy street to the -Lake Shore railway. At 4:30 p. m.

the board met and Attorney M. A. Gilbert stepped forward and said that both sides had consented to a continuance of two weeks, The remonstrators, he said, had filed remonstrances which the petitioners bad not seen. He wanted an opportunity to see them. Attorney T.

IF. Johnson he was realy to.go ou, but was willing to consent to a continuance. Judge Jones hoped that both sides could settle the question without the aid of the board of great many. are in favor of the way," said be, "'and great many are posed to it. I shouldn't doubt but that they could confer and arrive at.

an amicable decision." "It certainly is desirable," said the mayor. vou fix a week trom Saturday for the meeting?" asked the judge. would be better not to fix a date." said his honor, "because whew we do we want a full board present, aud you know this board is composed of business men, that is, I mean, those who are not city which certainly be did not mcan. It was decided to hold au evening meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 13.

Representatives of the various fire alarm companies are beginning to flock to the city hall. A representative of the Gamewell fire alarw company called upon Chief Dickinson Yesterday and last evening expounded the virtues of his system to Commissioner Forsyth. The fire commission intends to pend $1,000 for fire alarm boxes. City Civil Engineer Rice estimates that the city improvements during last year ag. gregated $1,100,000.

This 16 an increase of over $100,000 over last year. The board of revision met yesterday and adjourned, Mr. Vetter, ex-superintendent of markets, was summoned to appear before them but did not come. Frank Neff, mentally unbalanced, wag taken to the yesterday. Katie Annerson, 13 years old, uncontrollable at times, was also taken.

She iras an inmate of St. Mary's orphan asylum. THE OBSEQUIES OF R. R. ROOT.

The Funeral of Well Known Business Man Held Yesterday, The remains' of Ralph R. Root of the firm of Root McBride who died at his home, No. 579 Prospect street, last Saturday, were yesterday afternoon placed in the family vault in Lakeview cemetery. The funeral services were held at his residence. The spacious rooms were crowded with the friends of the family.

All the members of the firm to which Mr. Root belonged aud the employes of the house were present. Rev. Dr. C.

S. Pomeroy, pastor of the Second Presbyterian oficiated. After the choir had sung a by mo, Dr. Pomeroy. delivered a prayer and read extracts from the Bible.

Dr. M. L. Brooks, who has been family physician for many years and wag an intimate friend of the dead man, spoke feelingly for a few minutes. lle outlined the life of Mr.

Root and paid a high tribute to his character. After singing by the choir, the assemblage dispersed. Later in the afternoon the remains were removed to the hearse by the following pallbearers, who have all been for many years conuected with the firm of which Mr. Root was a partner: Albert Watson, George Kreidler, I. C.

Lock wood, W. C. Morrow, H. P. Alvord and George L.

Keith. J. II. and Lee McBride were honorary pallbearers. Only the relatives of Mr.

Root and the close friends followed the deceased to the cemetery, the burial being private." u. T. BONDS, A Suit tor Depreciation Decided Against Judge Burke in New York, A telegram says that Judge Stephenson Burke was again in court in New York yesterday on account of his former connection with the Columbus, locking Valley Toledo railroad as president. He is the defendant in the supreme court in a suit brought by J. II.

Goodwin for damages sus. tained in the purchase of bonds of that railroad. The plaintiff claimed that Burke sold him 000 bonds at 85 in November, 1885, and deferred delivery till the bonds bad depreciated. Ile wants the difference. Judge Burke's defense was that he sold the bonds as president, not as an individual.

The verdiet was for the plaintiff for $7,740, NIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT A Great Demand to be for Read, Tickets--The Essays I have some lickets, This. question was asked of Clerk Dixon at the board of education rooms a great many times yesterday and the indications are that. Music hall will be well filled to. taorrow evening. Although the tion has not closed and consequently it is not known who will pass, the diplomas bave all been made out.

and signed. In order. to save time diplomas for the entire graduating A class are prepared and if any of the scholars do pass their diplomas are destroyed. Mr. Zucker, the president of the board, was in a great flurry a when he came to sign the diplomas.

He wanted to do it in a burry wrote his nante sixtyeight times in three minutes and eight seconds by Dr. Gilbert's watch. The graduates will know what the marks mean, for beneath them is printed the words, "Presideat of the board." the commencement tomorrow evening the following essays will be read: American Women, by Miss Mary lIelen Smith; vexation of Canada, by William 0. Quayle; The High School Girl, by Miss Libbie A. Marvin; Fashion, by Ida Blanche Sanders; Patriotism, Nathan R.

Harrington; School Life, by Miss Faith E. Borkwell; Cooking, by Miss Carrie lIammer; I'm Mad You, by Miss Edna Marie Banning; Give the Boy a Chance, Alva A. Gav; The Evening Land, by Miss Estelle M. Piohard; Modern Superstition, by Miss Teresa Eliza GARDNER'S PICTURES. How the Sailor Statesman Illustrated His Reform Plan for the Town.

and How He Compared the Future With the Present. the Present. Some of the readers of the PLAIN DEALER might mistake the annexed. diagram for a map the undiscovered section of Africa, for which lienry M. Stanley is now sacrificing his life, others would probably conclude that it is a doctor's diagnosis of an incurable liver complaint and some people may be rash enough to suppose that it is a new ale, "such as how to reach the center circle without recrossing a linc," But is nothing of the sort.

It is simply a graphic representation of the great municipality of Cieveland in its present form, as pictured on the blackboard by. Commodore, Gardner last Monday afternoon at the, meeting of the municipal reformers. The picture is too intricate, to admit of explanation; but readers will get some 'idea what it is when they' are told that the two balf-soled looking arrangements 'on top are the boards. of councilmen and alder. wen, the circles are the various boards and lines preteud to show their connection with each other.

In short it is ex- Mayor Gardner's idea of the picture of Cleveland BEFORE TAKING. city of Cleveland 8 After the great commodore had thoroughly explained the above diagram in schoolmaster fashion, the Cleveland gentlemen looked wise and knowing, while the Dayton and Columbus representatives wondered that they had never heard of the artistic abilities of Cleveland's ex-urayor. They bad barely time to get over their astonishment when Mr. Gardner tried his hand on a second illustration. This time it was a lifelike, not to be forgotten representation of his plan of reforming the city, which might be labeled the Ar 4 7.

THE OLD; OLD STORY. A West Side Merchant Swindled Out of Money by an Old Gamo, AFTER TAKING. The ex- vor and' commodore blandly pointed out the beauty of his scheme by saying that in place of the two half-sole arraugewents for two boards, one egg sbaped thing placed on top for 011e board answer the purpose. While drawing the Jupiterlike arrangement, with its constellation of moons el around it, Air. Gardner explained that it was supposed to represent a round table with the mayor, the solicitor and the other dignitaries who would have the city's business in baud seated around it.

The board of educatiou is the fodependent circle below the table, and according to the commodore's idea that board is the same size as the table. It was very very funny and as many the gentlemen present thought that it should be bauded. down to posterity the PLAIN DEALER. herewith presents faithful like: nesses of Cleveland before and after taking Mr. Gardner's The same old game was successfully played on a well known West Side merchant yesterday afternoon about 5 o'clock.

A respectable appearing mau, about 35 years drove up in front of O. G. Lawrence's oil store in a cutter and called to Mr. Lawrence, asking him: about the prices of oil and keeping him occupied about ten minutes. When the oil dealer went back iuto the store the first thing, that caught his eye was the money drawer, which was taken out of the counter and turned upside down.

Between $10 and $50 in money and three checks were missing. One check is ou an Indianapolis bank and is for $10; the second 18 signed by the mother superior of St. Mary's Academy Notre Dame, Indiana, aud is for $25, and the third calls for $4.77 and is gigued by J. H. De Cumbe.

There is no clue to the swindlers. CONTEMPTIBLE WORK. The Leader's Attempt to Belittle the Per. formance of Duty on the Part of the Markot Superintendent, The Leader yesterday made another feeble attempt to hold Market Superintendent Poss up to ridicule for doing his duty. Supt.

Poss caused the arrest of 3 peddler of medicines a few days ago for disorderly conduct and from a report of the police court proceedings published by the Leader it would appear thatthe market superintendent engaged in this work to secure witness fees. The market has been overrun with "fakirs" and thieves of all kinds in the past. Women bearing baskets covered by bawls have been known to steal articles of different: kinds from the stands in and around the market house. The merchants who have seen this kind of work carried on know that Mr. Poss is doing his full duty and the contemptible work of his enemies is all the more ridiculous to them.

Two Well Known Citizens Gone, Isaac Smith, who died Monday at his residence, No. 10 Cbatbam street, will be buried today. Lake Shore lodge, -K. of will attend in a body. The funeral of Thomas McCauley of No.

142 Orange street will be held Thursday. Division No. 7, A. 0. of which Mr.

McCauley was a' member, will attend. we An Annual Banquet, A The Arm of Foote, Reed. gave the third annual banquet to its employes at the. Windsor cafe last evening. Fortyone per8008 enjoyed a good supper, after which a general good time was had until late in the evening.

THE TOWN'S MIRROR. And the Pictures Seen in It by the Reporters. Tights as They Are Worn -The Tough Dances and Their Earmarks Monument Buyers and Their "Peculiarities Postoffice: Cloaks Cheap Eggs and the -Burns and His Tea Prize -A Wide Industry Contagious Diseases as Come and Go. During last year the following cases. of contagious diseases were reported in.

the Measles 135, typhoid fever 231, scar. let fever 351, diphtheria 713; of which the following number proved fatal: Measles 14, typhoid fever 02, scarlet fever 20, diphtheria 227. 'Diphtheria is regarded "the most fatal of contagious diseases from the fact -that it attacks chiefly children. is genconceded to originate in contagion, but. whether typhoid fever, scarlet fever and diphtheria owe their exclusively 'to contagion is a disputed Water is a great carrier of fever germe, but learned doctors hold that water may "remain, parently staguaut for many yearsand yet not contain the germ of typhoid fever.

Tuipure water is, however, thought to induce it. The offcial reports show. that out of 351. cases of scarlet fever only 20 died, while out of 231 cases of typhoid fever 62 died. Apparently scarlet fever is the less dangerous physicians will not take the statistics of one year or eight vears as a criterion.

Fifteen years ago scarlet fever in this section a and throughout the country generally destroyed almost everything it attacked, but during the past ten years it has lost much of its malignaut charactcristics for sore unknown reason, and doctors admit that it is not as dangerous as it was. It may be that a large experience with. the disease has enabled them to better battle with it. Typhoid fever attacks adults principally. Smallpox is considered the most.

borrible all contagious diseases. It is an eruptive: fever, and as far as medical science has been able to determine the body is in the same condition: throughout as on- the surface, a complete eruption from head to foot reeking in: pus. A lengthy treatise might be written upon the causes of the various contagious diseases, as opinious and experiences are so varied. Eggs are cheap, very cheap. The market has not ruled lower at this season for many years past.

The bens have been doing their duty and the supply has been, abundant. The market at wholesale was down to 134 cents The long spell of mild weather has acted with eggs, as it: has with the dairy products and this is the principal reason of the bountiful supply. But it is with eggs as with wheat and corn. When speaking of these cereals of Jate it is a common thing to hear the farmer or the speculator declare that this is a big country. if, a short crop is referred At this season of the year when eggs are scarce large supplies are imported in ear lots from St.

Louis aud even further through the southwest, The accur mulations of the farmyards of, southern Misscuri, Texas a and all of the southern states are there offered to the people of the north at much lower prices than; they can be obtained here. A New methods caring for fresh stock and rapid, transit brings them here in first class condition. Experts can always distinguish southern the northern. however, principally on account of They are The subject of tights seems to: be: alltthe rage at present. It bas the Is Marriage a Failure? craze; and it is being gravely discussed as though the fates of

it. To be in a Mirrorite sought out an authority on tights, 1 and Miss Bertha Ricci, at present playing Erminie at the opera house, somewhat reluct- I antly offered to give all the desired information. She was found 'in her dressing room preparing for the third act of. Crininie when she was asked the question if she had any objectiona to wearing tights, in the least," was the fand; in fact, I always prefer to appear the stage as a boy rather than a as I make a better looking boy? "Don't you feel awkward or out, of place in 7 no, not in the least, as I consider it much easier work, not at all improper or immodest, and you know it doesn't costquite so much for wardrobe. Af "I hear that some girls, Lillian Russell, among others, object to tights on account of the cold draughts on the stage.

"That's all nonsense. Lillian: Russell I likes to break contracts and she simply used that as an excuse. How. do we, prevent taking cold on the stage in thin silk tights? The easiest thing in the world, Most, of the girls consider one pair of tights warm enough, but in case they are afraid of cold draughts all they have to do is slip ou a cheap pair of cotton tights first and draw. the silk ones over them." long should a good pair.

of tights 4: "That depends on the wearer. Chorus girls who are furnished with tights by the management- often, throw them about carelessly when they are through with them for the night, instead of hang. ing them with care over the back of a Then: again they are careless in drawing them on and the result is that they: begin to rip down the runs, and when. a small hole gets started in them they keep on: ripping and there is no stopping them." 1 4. Then the interviewer desired, to know if tights, after they bad started to rip, are irretrievably lost: no," replied Miss Ricci, "they can be mended.

They are darned just the same as stockings; but darned tights are not beautiful to the eye and they are usually discarded by. the best people in the profession. But. answer your question about the length of 'time it takes to wean out a pair of tights. I can wear pair, of.

tigbts with care A Sometimes they are furnished by the management; but that all depends on the contract. Expensive? 0 no; you can buy tigbts all the way from $8 a pair to about $20, but the average price is But $20 is not limit, however; you can go up to almost any, price away up to or $100; entirely depending on the quality or the quantity. the embroidery. By the way, you spoke to me about some girls objecting to tights. Do you know the main reason? They are not very proud of: their forms.

They may be kuock kneed or' bow legged, and that is the real reason they would rather appear in dresses." it a fact that art can overcome the defects of nature by "Well, yes; A certain extent 2 girl by judicious padding can fill out defect here and there, but you know if a girl is kucck kneed she can't wake. her limbs straight 110 matter how much. she pads." "Is there much padding by girls in tights?" "Not nearly as much as people imagine. Girls, seldom undertake to appear before the public in tights unless they have good forms." A dance was held evening in a hall on Ontario street, aud this shonld be the last of this class of dances held in the city if there is a way in which to suppress them. 'Every creature of shame in the city and every woman of doubtful reputatica was there, most of then accompanied by their "fellows? 'These dances are patronized by the scum of society and when the police are on.

the for a thief, burglar, gambler and there is a "chippy" dance going they always watch the place where the dance Is beld. The women who attended Monday's ball were in most cases a shameless the manner in which they, disported themselves was enough to kring the blush of shanic to the cheeks of a person who is hardened the ways of the world, They sat around dark corners drinkbeer with callow youths; whose employif they knew where they spending their time, would discharge them in an instant. Almost every woman in the place could be: seen smoking cigarettes, "and the air with tobacco moke filed with curses. Hosiery was freely displayed in the of the men seemed women and seeiug on the waxed floor. o'clock, when both the to get drunk, fights policemen had their order.

The people are always feurful of THIS CHIPPY'S FELLER. THE CHIPPY: THE CHIPPY: lialf a hundred men and women crowded the narrow stairway and out in the street. the "manager" of the dance saw the stampede and mounted the platform and by telling the women that no raid: would be made restored order and the dancing was 3 o'clock in the the had thinned out considerably, many of the people having been taken nome drunk in hacks. The orchestra, composed of a guitarist and a cornet player, still continued to play there was no general attempt at dancing, most of those still remaining being too drunk to dauce. It was 5 o'clock and the stars in the debauch had left.

were growing dim before the last participant all means suppress the "chippy" dance. Another store where prize packages of tea and coffee are to be sold has just been opened up bere and $20 gold pieces, solid gold watches, are offered to the multitude for a song. It is safe to say, however, that there. is a string on most of the valuables. A contpany engaged in this kind of business was driven out of the town a short time ago, but before going a good story was told at the ex-.

pense of the "fakirs" by the friends of Ser. geant. of the police The sergeant dropped info the Superior street store in his smooth way one. afternoon while complaints were falling thick on the schemers. He wore his udiform in' dress parade splendor, and the first move on the proprietor of the prize package establishment was, of course, to invite him to take a chance.

Burns was not slow to grasp the opportunity and producing a silver dollar he was handed a tiu can containing a pound of poor tea and a $20 gold piece. But the fiend of. bad tea and marked prize packages did not gain by his double attempt at deceit; as Sergeant. Burns was ouly the more active -ins prosecuting him. Joseph Carabelli, the sculptor who carries on an extensive: near Lakeview cemetery, is now engaged on two large figures for the monument to be erected at Daytons He has also began work oura monuament to be placed oven the grave of the late Henry Beck man.

Mr. Carabelli- says that, widows buy more. monuments than widowers. According to experience women incline more favorably to entering into details of this kind after the death of their The widowers, he says, look such work with disfavor although their sorrow may be equal to that of the opposite sex. And then too, Mr.

Carabelli claims, the chances of the widower getting married again are more favorable and a second marriage puts an end to all thought" of a monument. The postmaster receives a good many letters, stamped and under cover, to be mailed from Cleveland. The is of course to fool the person to whom the letter is directed into thinking it has come from Cleveland; Such letters are always indorsed, received at Cleveland, from postofnce al and sent on to, destination. A party has recently written the postmaster from Niagara -Falls thanking him for the precaution aud saying that it exposed a scheme. A year or 80 ago another party, the subject of Valentine joke, caught on and seut 10 cents to Deputy postmaster Molyneaux to smoke on.

In a brick building in the rear of the Brainard block on the square is a facturing concern. which sends traveling men to the four corners of the globe and sells goods in every civilized This company owns the patents on two valuable tools and is said to have made a mint of money in the manufacturing of them. 'The tools are used for cutting steel pipe and for cutting the threads in steel bolts and are the only tools for this purpose known to the trade. The company which manufactures them ployes in the neighborhood of fifty men, who dance and a favorite to be in tripping up them fall sprawling Along towards 1 or 2 men and women began were numerous and bands full in keeping who attend such dances idea that one is cona raid and the slightest templated will cause staw pede. Two or three policemen whose beats were in the neighborhood happened to be seen the- whisper went together talking and the around: the hall that the police were going to raid the place.

In a moment all was excitement, and COMPOSITE ROOFERS. Their Third Annual Convention Begins in This City. The third annual convention of the National association of composition roofers began its session at the Forest City house yesterday morning. Some twenty members were in attendance, and a number of others are today. The total membership of "the association is about sixty.

Hugh Huntington Son are the only members residing in Cleveland. Local associations are in existence in New York, St. Louis -and one or two other cities. All members have the -privilege of attending the convention. The election of- oficers and discussion of matters pertaining- to the trade will be the work.

done at this session. statei that. no agreement. as to the rates charged for rooting has ever been made in the association and one is likely to be, the different conditions in varying localities making such arrangement- impossible. The present chairman is W.

Powell of Chica: go and the secretary? is William also of Chicago. The members who are stopping at the Forest City house besides those mentioned are: HM. Reynolds of Grand Rapids, John L. AJonca, R. Shaffer, Charles Eskelson, G.

W. Getchel and John J. Wheeler of Chicago, John Allen of Rockford, E. Philadelphia, John Hormuth of Grand: Rapids, David Harger of Des Moines and Van Sickle. Mr.

llormuth ouly is Recompanied by his wife. The election of oficersarill take place today. The Workt Disturbed, Mr. Dan Wertheimer told a PLAIN $5,000. Clara's Note and Clara's Parrot, Clara the defendant in a suit on ER representative con Monday that he had been offered a half interest in the Sunday World at $1,500, tire terms being $350 down and the balance in installments.

Mr. James co*ckett of the Sunday World says that Mr. Wertheimer does not. respect the truth and adds that the financial standing of the paper is not such as to 'cause its effects be ped. dled.

out, co*ckett says that he offered Wertheimer his half interest: in the paper at $2,000 cash and that it cannot be bought a cent He says that thewinterests of the paper caunot be bought entire for less than a $200 note begun against her by M. C. Byles. Clara claims aga. sct-off thatshe left a parrot worth $225 with the first holder of the note.

Judge Hutchins, whons Clara's lawyer, says that the note was given in the first instance without consideration, so that: her house would not be "pulled" by the police in a town where she lived. CARTER-EVERETT. in in ing ers, blue A Grand Wedding at a Euclid Avenue. Home, Sylvester T. Everett's Daughter United to Mr.

Carter of Bethlehem, Impressive Ceremony and a Heavy Reception Who Were There." The wedding of Charles J. J. Carter of Bethlehem, and Katherine, eldest daughter of Sylvester T. Everett, was celebrated with much joyousness at the residence of the bride's fatber, corner of Euclid and Case avenues, last evening. a Promptly at 7 o'clock the strains of the wedding march began to be and immediately the bridal procession passed down the stairway; crossed the wide ball end entered the reception where.

Rev. Dr. Charles Pomeroy the Second Preebyterian church stood waiting to speak the words which would make the two young people one. Mr. Carter was accompanied by Mr.

J. Upton, Myers of Bethlehem as best man, and by Mr. Harry. F. Donaldson and Mr.

Riehard Carter of. Philadelphia. The Miss Helen Carter: of Philadelphia, the bridemaids a were in in in Miss Eleanor Everett and latter a sister. of groom. The ushers were Mr.

Horace Andrews, Mr. E. Edward Stone, Mr. Edmund Clark and Mr. Charles A.

A little brother and sister of the bride, and a little brother and: niece of groom preceded the bridal party carrying bouquets. The girls carried roses and the boys violets. Miss Everett entered with her parents, Mr. -and Mrs. Everett, and Mr.

and Mrs. W. T. Carter of Philadelphia, father and mother of the groom, received guests throughout the evening. Both the Everett and Carter families are large, and the guests who witnessed the ceremovy, comprising the families and most inmate friends, numbered nearly 100.

At 8 the reception, 4 to which several hundred people were invited, A splendid collation was served in one of the lower rooms, and in the large dancing room on the third floor the devotees of terpsichore worshiped at shrine without The presents were beyond description. They filled an entire room ou the secoud floor. Among them were a. silver salt, and pepper set from Mr. and Mrs.

John Huntington, a set of silver ice cream spoons from Miss Alice Carter, a parian vase from Miss Armstrong, a ganic set Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Burke, gilver salad dish from Mr.

Miles Herald, a standing candelabra from Mr. and Nre. Samuel Thomas, a pair of Hungarian pitchers from F. E. Dellenbaugb, a cream and sugar service from Mr.

Irving Baldwin, a tull set of assorted silver forks and spoons from Mr. and Everett' themselves, a silver salad spoon from Miss Elizabeth Price, a silver cheese dish from Miss Emma Everett. a silver salad spoon from Ar. Garrett B. Hopper, a decorated tea set from Mr.

and Mrs. J. V. Painter, set of Dickeus, Thackeray, Scott, Eliot 'and. other from Ar.

G. Ely, silver soup service from Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Andrews, a salad spoon from Mr. IV.

R. Everett, a set of silver forks from Miss Eleanor Everett, a salad dish from Mr. and Mrs. H. A.

Everett, a sifver fruit dish with the compliments of the Union national bank, a cut glass service from Are: Elizabeth Everett of Philadelphia, a silver toilet set from G. W. of the PHiladelphia Ledger, a silver soup ladle Mr. John Liessing of Philadelphia, a silver ice pitcher from Mr. and Mrs.

Richard Chapman of Chapman's Quarries, a set silver fruit knives from Mr. and Mre. F. T. Beatty, a silver sugar bowl from Mr.

and Mrs. H. Bourne, a silver salad spoor from Mr. Edmund: Clark, silver fish kaife and fork from F. Donaldson, a silver salad dish from Mr.

'and Mrs. M. A. Hanna, a Vase 'from Mr. 'and Mrs.

J. C. Weideman, a solid silver tea aet from the father and. mother of 'the groom, a silver salt service frown Mr. and Mrs.

Myers, a silver ice cream spoon from Mr. James Kernan, a silver manicure set from E. F. Holbrook of the Union League club, New York; a silver dish from Mr. 'and MPs.

O. Otis, a cut glass dish from Mr. and Mrs. R. A.

Harmon, a large cut glass punch bowl from Mrs. William W. Justis, a cut glass dish from C. A. Billings, alt boirl 'set from Mr.

T. H. Carter, a cut glass celery dish from Mr. and Mrs. Grew.

Doubleday, a Ailver salt service from Mr. J. Upton Myers of Bethlehem, a Bet of silver ice cream spoons from Mr. and Mrs. Clafen, a silver inkstand from H.

Garreteon, a set of silver nut picks from Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mc Bride. a Pompeiian standing lamp from Willie E. Carter, aband painted Dresden fruit set from Mr.

aud Mra. Drexel of Philadelphia, a salad set from Mr. and Mrs. T. Chester Walbridge of Philadelphia, water color from Miss Marshall, a decorated dinner service from Mr.

Henry Adams, a case. of assorted scissors from Mrs. S. P. Everett, the bride's grandmother; a cut glass dish from Mr.

and Mig. Edward Dangler, a decorated pitcher from Mra. C. W. Dellenbaugb, a silk shawl from Mra.

O. Giddings, an oyster dish from Mr. and H. A. Sterling, a decorated dish from Mrs.

E. T. Clinton of Philadelphia. 5 Among the guests of the evening may be mentioned: Willian H. Boardinan and wife, William Edwards and wife, John Tod, wife and daughter, S.

My Strong and wife, Ilarry Wick and wife, S. C. Ford and wife, Russell Botsford and wife, Bourne, and wife, D. Hanna and wife, D. A.

Dangler and wife, A. M. Britton and wife, W. W. Herrick; Charles Brush and wife, J.

BurArmstrong, wife and daughter; a Myron T. ton Parsons and daughter, E. P. Wright aud wife, Stewart H. Chisholm and Ralph Worthington -and wife, M.

A. Hanna aud wife, O. M. Burke and wife, W. B.

Myers of Bethlehem, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Walbridge of Tamaqua, Mr.

Holbrook of New York, Walter and wife, Mr. Carlton H. Reeve, Mr. Holmes Marshall, Mr. Sterling Beckwith, Dr.

F. O. Nodine, R. C. Parsons: E.

S. Coe and wife, Rev. J. M. Mr.

Solon Severance, Mr. L. HI. Severance, J. II.

Dempsey and wife, Dr. 0. F. Gordon and wife, Mr. Mri.

F. W. Pelton, Clarence Britton and wife, 0. J. Hodge and wife, Miss Parmely, Miss Gordon, Miss Taintor, Miss Mary Taintor, Mr.

Nat Keith, H. Card and wife, Miss Hilliard, C. G. Hower and wife, F. E.

Rittman and wife, Miss Fero, H. D. Vail, L. JI. Heckman- and wife, Mr.

and Mrs. Dudley Dodge, Mr. and Mrs. T. D.

Crocker, Miss Pechip. Rev. Dr. J. G.

Ilall, Gen. and Mrs. M. D. Leggett, and Mrs.

C. S. Bates, Mr. E. J.

Estep, F. E. Dellen baugh, Rev. Father Thorpe, Rev. Father Houck, Mr.

H. W. Judd, Percy Rice and wife, Alfred Wick and wife, George Short aud wife, Peter M. Hitchco*ck and wife, R. M.

Parmely and wife, James Parmelee, Robert N. Parmelee, Mr. and Mrs. H. Everett, Miss.

Pettingill, Miss Leslie; F. L. Chamberlain, and daughter, Miss Hale, J. Wade and wife, Mrs. Giddings, D.

P. Eells and wife, 'Mre. J. Af. Jones, Miss Jessie Jones, Clarence Curtis and wife, Miss Jobuson, H.

K. Devereux and wife, C. A. Selzer, Rev. Dr.

H. C. Haydn, W. C. Scofield, S.

C. Smith and wife, Mr. and Mrs. William Chisholm, James F. Rhodes and wife, Col.

C. S. Doubleday and wile, Dr. A. EverMrs.

D. P. Rhodes, J. H. Morley and wife, ett wife, Mr.

and Mrs. F. Sterling, and Mrs. H. F.

Biggar, Mr. and Mra. Charles Calkins, Mr. A. S.

Sanford, Miss Emma Everett, Miss Fawcett, Luther Allen and wife, Mr. JI. C. Rouse, Mr. A.

G. Stone, Mrs. Ar and C. S. Bissell and wife, C.

L. Murfey and wife, A. T. Hubbard and wife, E. L.

Farmer and wife Mr. and Mrg: Carter's wedding tour takes them east. In a fortnight they will return to their home in Bethlehem: AT THE HOTELS. The Hollenden: W. R.

Warren of New S. R. Scharf of Washington, N. Sampliner of Palladelpbia, of Cincinnati, Simmons J. H.

of Boston, Ml. Monroe Kellogg of Chicago. The Stillman: J. M. Warner of CincinB.

J. Brundred of. Oir City, E. T. Holbrook, of New York, C.

E. Holden and wife ROYAL BAKING POWDER ABSOLUTELY PURE Light Sweet Wholesome Bread Delicious Pastry REPORTS OF GOVERNMENT CHEMISTS As to Purity and Wholesomeness of the Royal Baking Powder: "I have tested the Royal cream Baking of tartar Powder powder and of find a it high composed degree of of pure merit, and and whole- does some ingredients. It is a not contain either alum or phosphates, or other injurious substances. E. G.

LOTE, Ph. to the 1 H. A. MOTT, Ph. The Royal Baking Powderis the purest and most reliable baking powder offered The Royal Baking Powder is purest in quality and highest in strength of any baking powder of which I have knowledge.

WE. McMURTRIE, Ph. of Mineral Point, William M. of Olean, N. Y.

Hawley louse: S. J. Law of Buffalo, D. R. Davis of Utica, L.

E. Ryder of Lancaster, W. M. Kendall, C. Van T.

Smith of New York. Forest City House: George B. Laughlin of Albany, N. 1I. R.

Shaffer of Chicago, James Alldis of Farrington, George S. Searing of New York, J. Alvord of Farrington, Ct. American House: J. C.

Douglass of Colunbus, James Woodburn of Franklin, HI. Ginniss A. Cross of of Pittsburg, Lynn, F. Robinson of BingJ. J.

K. bamton, N. Y. Cincinnati, George Downs and wife of DeStreibinger House: James Moriarty of troit, G. W.

Gill of Chicago, L. Harding of Medina, L. H. Raymond of Garrettsville. W'eddell House: W.

E. Wilcox and wife of Chicago, George Christy wife of of Pittsburg, Columbus, Charles Charles Any C. Miller, Townsend wife and child wife of New Brighton, J. P. Thomas and wife of Titusville, Daniel F.

Tracy of New York, W. S. Carkin of East Saginaw. Prospect House: Aaron Fell of. Greenville, K.

Cook of Findlay, A. P. Couch of Norwalk, W. B. Duff of Darlingion, Johu Taylor of New York.

Kennard louse: J. V. Newrath of F. O. Humberger of Massillon, S.

P. Kennedy of Pitteburg, R. S. Davis, of Pittsburg, C. H.

Wardwell of Watertown, N. Thomas Hill of Detroit. MOIHER AND More About the Russell Woman and the Innocent Waif: Left on the Forman Doorstep. MOTHER AND CHILD. theory advanced by Mrs.

E. Dixon others that the child left on J. C. For. doorstep a week- ago belongs to Mir.

Mrs. A. B. Russell seems to be accepted Humaue Agent Parmelee. The Russells, claim to be married, commenced to board Dixon's ou Pearl street about a half ago.

The woman stayed at Mrs. Dixon's the evening before the discovery of the on the Forman doorstep, and when left they talked of. making their home Chicago. The child is still in charge of Humane society at the Infants' -Rest owing to. the wide publicity the story there have been applicants for permission to adopt Mr.

Parmelee will' not surrender the unless be can get the best of referabout the people who propose to adopt Several people have called at the and have filed their applications. meantime the Russells have not been from. It is more than probable that have left town, but some people claim they are somewhere in biding in the The above is. a faithful likenesa and child copied from a -photograph on the West Side shortly before the parcuts' disappearance. The Eucud Light Infantry.

Captain F. B. Morgan of the Euclid light infantry has been in New York for the past two'weeks looking after arms and equipments for his company. Fatigue uniforms, similar to those used by the National Guard. have been ordered by the company and will be ready in A week or so.

The dress uniform has not yet been decided regulate compay sought a place in the state militia but were prevented from entering, the full number of companies allowed by the law having already joined. They will, however, receive camping equipments from the state when they are ready for them nexi sumwer, The company drills every Monday night at Doan's Forgot to Pay His Bill, A young man registered at the Hotel Con- rad in Canton last week as H. I. Miller of Cleveland. After a stay of five days.he sent his baggage to Crestline by express and said left his without paying his board bill.

SE It is is Walter Chattertou. The directory shows neither of these names. Your Chance is Now. Before inventory Steinfeld prefers to sell Overcoats and Ulsters at a fearful sacrifice. Only $12 for $16.50 and $18 value.

Only $10 for $13.50 and $15 value. Only $5 for $7 and $8 value. Heavy All Wool Pants reduced to $2 and $2.50, formerly $3 and $4. A like saving on Overcoats and Suits for boys aud children; also on Underwear, Gloves and Caps. These are genuine, honest reductions.

Select such as you want; will send goods to your home for comparison, when you will admit baving saved $3 to $5. J. STEINFELD, Old Reliable Clothier and Tailor, 242 to 246 Superior street. E. I.

BALDWIN, MATCH Announce an opening ou Friday Feb. 1st of Ladies'. White Muslin The most important sale of the better grades of Cambric Underwear. To the number that are limited an early inspection is desirable Ladies' Furnishing Department, 2d Floor. TWENTYFIVE or Thirty Dozen Odd Mufflers, very expensive, Four.

and Five Dollar qualities, now $2.50. Twofity and $3 qualities now $1.50. Some gloves to be closcu out, Men's wool Gloves, Medium 35c. Men's Scotch wool Gloves, Fine 50c. E.

I. BALDWIN, HATCH Co. A Card, Pleased "to inform my friends that I am again at my old. quarters, Steinfeld's, 242 and 244 Superior street, and am positive that I can give you the lowest prices on good reliable goods. Shall be pleased to see a all my friends and patrons whether in need of goods or not.

ADDISON S. 4 DRAKE, At Steinfeld's, 242 and 244 Superior st. A Fete THE BRECK. CASE Will be Taken Up Out of Urder in the Sue preme Court. A telegram from Columbus says that the supreme court yesterday granted the motion to take the case of Mary E.

Breck et al. the state of Ohio out of its regular order. The arguments will be made soon. The Audacity To boldly mark up goods double and more their first and original selling price, then advertise a half- off sale. Is that not adownright swindle? Certainly itis, getting money under false pretenses.

If you doubt it investigate as others have done. sensa. tional hurrah and humbugging business is the only salvation for these mushroom concerns, with their enormous rents and a daily business expense of from $250 to. each and every day in the Wiio else but, the patron must foot the bill? You who trade at such houses where they. 'sell, First, fake sale--Choice Suits or Overcoats at the next fake sale-quarter-off; the next fake sale-balf-off, and it pays them.

Some parties. hare been investigating their methods of "fake sales," pronounce it the boldest and most outrageous swindle has yet been perpetrated on this community. that. Every time they bave looked there for bar. gains after such announcement they found new tickets on the goods with prices marked up higher than on their previous fake sale.

How to avoid being gulled -Don't buy until you compare goods and prices with houses that do not tolerate such business methods. STEINFELD, 242:246 Superior, 1, 4 She Wanted a Lawyer "Licked." Margaret Williamson was tried in Justice Peck's court yesterday on. the charge of attempting to provoke Kate a Simpson to commit a breach of the peace. Kate had as witnesses a family uamed Kelley, who live in Lawyer George Schindler, who was. the defendant's counsel, said something which Mrs.

Kelley. didn't: like and she jumped off the stand and running out into the hall demanded that her husband go into the room and "lick that lawyer." Sebindler, however, took it- all back and escaped the GENUINE DIAMONDS AND SOLID GOLD WATCHES FOUND IN TEA. Importers' Tea Co.of New York have opened a branch, store at No. 119 Superior, next door to Forman's, Cleveland, 0.. Their tea is put up in paper caddie.

Every caddy contains souvenir, such as ladies' and gents' solid gold hunting case jeweled American watches, genuine diemonds, emerald, pearl, turquois and sapphire jewelry, in solid gold settings and many other articles of less value. This expensive method of advertising cannot continue long, sixty days being the limit. 1 Below is a partial list of fortunate purchasers so far: William Ambush, attorney, room 11, 44 Public square, found a genuino diamond ring, set in solid gold, in his call of tea. 3: Mrs. L.

Gaylord, milliner Ontario street, $3, purchased and on three opening cans one of ton found for a gent's which solid she gold paid hunting case Elgin full jeweled watch, stem wind and sot. J. II. Jackson, tailor, 218 Prospect street, found a genuine diamond ring, solid gold setting, in his can. Samuel Levey.

traveling salesman, Chicago, purchased six cans of tea, for which paid $5, and found in one can a genuine solitaire diamond shirt stud, solid gold setting. Miss J. Wi'son, Euclid avenue, can paid found $1 a for gonu- a can of tea and on opening the ine diaMond, ruby and sapphire lace pin set in solid Mrs. gold. J.

C. Barnard, seamstress, West Side, paid $1.00 for a can of ten and found in the can genuine solitaire diamond ring, solid gold; S. JI. Smith, brakeman, purchased two cans of tea for which he paid $1.00 each and found in one can a gents' solid gold hunting case jeweled watch; D. A.

Baldwin, salesman, Superior street, paid $5.00 for six cans of tea and in one can found pair of genuine solitaire diamond ear drops in solid gold settings. Orders by mail from any part of the United States will be promptly. forwarded. Parties getting up a club of $10.00 or $20.00 always gets a valuable souvenir. Single cans $1,00, six cans $5.00, thirteen cans $10.00, twentyseven cans $20.00.

Address the TEA 119 Superior stroet, Cleveland, Ohio. The "CUTLER MOORE" Desks 1 We are agents for the above Desks, which are recognized by the trade and business men generally as being the. most perfect and desirable business desk yet produced. We are able by means of recent very favorable arrangements to offer these Desks at lower prices than have ever been quoted for. first class desks in this market.

Furniture, Mantels and 'Artistic Drapery, FURNITURE- 3 BLOCK. Vincent, Barstow Co. 3 f. 0 The aud man's and by who at Mrs. year up to child they in the and given many child.

infant ences it. fant's In the heard they that city. mother taken 04 3 -4 14 3:.

The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.